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Responsible for the Content

Schambeck SFD GmbH
Menzenberger Str. 93
53604 Bad Honnef
Telephone:   +49 2224 9239-0
Fax:                +49 2224 9239-20

Managing Director: Karl-Heinz Schambeck

Additional Details

Court of record: Amtsgericht Siegburg
Register number: HRB 6811
Sales tax identification number
according to § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 122267991
Person responsible for the content
according to § 55 paragraph 2 RStV: Karl-Heinz Schambeck (address as above)


Despite a careful inspection of the content, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links.
The operators of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for their content.

In the event that protective rights may have been violated by the information on this website, or that a trademark or copyright violation could have occurred, you are requested to inform us immediately via email or in another text format. In this case, we will immediately establish legitimate conditions.

This information serves both sides. You may know that the violation of trademark rights through keyword advertising are partially supported and partially rejected by the courts. Test cases, in which this question should be clarified by the Federal Court of Justice, are underway. It is therefore also economically redundant to initiate new court proceedings.

In such and comparable cases, we will immediately eliminate the alleged legal violation. A warning is not required and therefore also not our responsibility to pay legal expenses for a warning notice.

Copyright information

All graphical materials shown on this website are copyrighted.
Storage, spreading and utilization in printed as well as electronic form requires a written request for permission to the author.
Licensed picture: Oleksandr -
